Dakota Safety Network

Where Safety Connects

Expect opportunities to connect, learn, and grow together.

Dakota Safety Network is a group of dedicated workplace safety stakeholders who believe that workplace safety is more effective when we're connected. We're all trying to accomplish the same goal: Let's get employees home safe. Why not work together?

The Trusty Board of Directors

It all began in July 2024 with a group of people who had big ideas about how to connect safety stakeholders in central North Dakota, including the Bis-Man area.

Back row: Bill Wuolu, Nate Sandberg (Board President), Michael Cooper (Board Vice President), Jennifer Seibel (Events Committee Chair), Tim Wetzel

Front Row: Kyla Bratz (Marketing / Membership Co-Chair), John Woutat (Marketing / Membership Co-Chair), Darcy Turcotte (Board Secretary)

Not pictured: Pat Engelhart, Board Treasurer